Tag Archive: Chocolate

Lavender and White Peach/White Chocolate and Basil, Gelateria del Teatro, Rome

Twice a day, three days in a row. I’m not proud of it (or maybe I am just a little), but that’s how many times I ate gelato at Gelateria del Teatro** when… Continue reading

Chocolate Chip Cookies, Levain Bakery, Manhattan

Life is better with chocolate chip cookies in it. Life with Levain Bakery’s chocolate chip cookies in it is like a buttery-chocolate acid trip. (True confession: I really have no idea what an… Continue reading

40 Days of Paris: Day One

When you live in Paris, you get a little intoxicated on its sheer Paris-ness, and you start to do stupid things, like take for granted everything there is to do here. You sleep… Continue reading

12 Weight Gain-Worthy Treats in Paris

I’ve eaten so many good things here it’s a little embarrassing. I’m sure people back home wonder: what else is Brown doing over there besides eating?  It’s a fair question; I’m doing a… Continue reading